Wraparound Care
Breakfast Club
Middleton has a very popular Breakfast Club - children are offered a nutritional breakfast followed by the chance to participate in fun educational activities or catch up on homework.
Breakfast Club provides a calm and orderly start to the day for pupils and starts at 7:30am.
It is strongly recommended that you book your child’s place in advance. Bookings and payment can be made via the school’s online payment system. At 8.40am, the children are taken to their classrooms to begin the school day.
The cost per session is £5.50
After School Care Club
Middleton has a very popular After School Care Club, which offers the children numerous activities to get involved with, along with the provision of snacks and refreshments.
The club runs from the end of the school day until 6.00pm, although a 4.30pm finish can be opted for, with a reduced fee.
It is strongly recommended that you book the After School Care Club in advance. Bookings and payment can be made via the schools online payment system.
The cost for sessions ending at 4.30pm is £8.80
The cost for sessions ending at 6.00pm is £11
After School Clubs
Various clubs run every week throughout the year. These include Football Clubs; Premier Sport Multi-skills Club; Gymnastics Club; Zumba Club; Choir; Cooking and Art Club.
Some clubs run all year and others are run termly.