Attendance & Absence

We are READY to learn – we arrive at school on time, we have our equipment ready and we show that we are listening.

We are RESPECTFUL – we listen when others speak and we respect the property of our friends and the school.

We are SAFE – we move around school in a safe manner, we follow instructions to keep ourselves safe on school trips, we use equipment safely and we stay safe online.

The Staff and Governors are confident that parents share the school's wish that all children make the most of their skills, talents and opportunities.  Regular attendance at school is vital if this aim is to be achieved.  Without regular attendance, the learning process is disrupted and consequently children do not achieve their full potential. Middleton therefore strongly urges parents/carers to avoid booking holidays during term time, as this significantly affects educational progress.

From September 1st 2013, changes were made to Government legislation regarding taking holidays during term time. Schools are now no longer able to authorise absence for family holidays and following the Supreme Court ruling, Milton Keynes Council have updated their Term Time Holiday policy. Middleton will refer parents/carers to the Local Authority for action (Fixed Penalty fine) if children are taken out of school to go on holiday for five consecutive days or more during term time.

For further details on attendance please view

Whilst the school fully understands that holidays can be cheaper during term-time, the long term cost to pupils may well be considerably greater than any short term financial savings. However, absence for participation in sporting events, family events (e.g. weddings of a very close family member, religious celebrations, graduations etc.) and for compassionate reasons will be considered on an individual basis and may be authorised.

When a child is absent through illness, parents are asked to inform the school during the first day of absence, by leaving a voicemail message on the school telephone number (01908 604851) Option 1, before 9.00am. Please keep us informed of the progress of the illness and the likely length of absence. If we are not informed of the reason for absence the register is marked as an ‘unauthorised absence’

Middleton School expect every pupil’s attendance to be above 95%.

Parents will be notified if attendance falls below 95%.

Application for Leave of Absence

If a leave of absence request is necessary, please use the form below:

Leave of Absence Request